Failing to file your personal or business taxes on time can happen for many reasons. You might not have the money to pay your taxes, were busy dealing with serious health concerns, or could have been distracted by any number of issues in today's fast-paced world. At Vista Tax Relief, we understand that if you've fallen behind on your taxes for multiple years, you might be feeling uncertain about resolving the problem. If you're afraid that you owe penalties and interest or are overwhelmed with the idea of locating lost paperwork, we're here to provide the personal attention and assistance you need to file your delinquent tax returns and get a fresh start with the IRS. Call us at 480-916-2862 now or request a consultation online to get started and we’ll guide you through the process.
Our friendly and responsive staff takes the pain out of filing your back tax returns and will be with you every step of the way. We'll help you track down your missing W-2 and 1099 forms, mortgage and bank interest statements, and any other financial documentation required to prepare your back taxes. Once we have all the paperwork we need, we’ll accurately prepare and file your delinquent tax returns to get you up to date with the IRS.
If you owe back taxes to the IRS, don't ignore the issue. Before you know it, tax penalties and interest can accrue, creating a tax debt that can snowball into a more serious tax problem like wage garnishment or a tax lien. Act now before your tax debt gets out of hand, and if you do owe back taxes that you can’t afford to pay all at once, we can work with the IRS to establish an installment agreement or another tax relief solution to pay off your tax debt over time.